Coding on nunchucks!

Stop hiring engineers to write your code. Just use the 1kb script that magically solves all your problems and algorithms.

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Billion Dollar Info

We do what our competitors do, but with 500% more! That's nearly three times as much!

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam..

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veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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Next to the best feature

veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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Faster Development

Coding has never been this fast. It's almost magical

Stop hiring engineers to write your code. Just install one script that magically solves all your problems.

Read the docs
                    1  //codingSteroids.js 
                    3   const data = {
                    4        "purpose": {
                    5        "getId": "#element",
                    6        "companyName": "coolStartup",
                    7      }
                    8    }
                    10   function codingSteroids(  
                    11       data,
                    12       getSteroidsType
                    13   ) 
                    15   function getSteroidsType() {
                    16     return "codeHellish!"
                    17   }
What others think

"Coding on Steroids is breath taking. I focus less on writing codes while taking model shots around the world."

Founder, The Ocumpious Startup

The bitter truth

On a scale of 1 to 10, we make your life easier 10/10, period.

24/7 support For your sake, we do not sleep.

Fast Like flash.

Reliable We never have a server downtime. Never

Computational Analysis like no other.

Analytics like, really no other.

Affordable as coffee.


we are very affordable


Good enough power

  • 10k Monthly Requests
  • 9am-5pm Technical support
  • Public API access

Perfect for small businesses.

  • 100k Monthly Requests
  • 9am-5pm Technical Support
  • Public and Private API access

Unlimited Super Powers

  • 10,000k Monthly Requests
  • 9am-5pm Technical Support
  • Public and Private API access